Found in 5056 Collections and/or Records:
Wood burning women and motorcycle men : LDS perspectives on female sexuality / Mari Jorgensen, 1994
Wooden bananas and the various functions of practical jokes / Dow Glenn Ostlund II, 1995
Dow Glenn Ostlund II collected personal narratives about the function of practical jokes. Included are stories of initiation pranks, friendly pranks, and pranks that backfired, bully pranks, revenge pranks, and tag-team pranks. Project was written for an English 391 class taught at Brigham Young University during Fall semester 1995.
Word of Wisdom final project , 2019
Submitted by BYU student Emily Hootini for English 391 fall course for Dr. Eric Eliason. Contains cover essay, autobiographical sketch, and contributor interviews. About the folklore surrounding the word of wisdom in Latter-Day Saint culture.
Words in stone / Patricia Woolley, 1971
Submitted by BYU student Patricia Woolley for her Spring 1971 class. A collection of tomestone epitaphs and what they tell about the culture of the people who made it. Contains a cover essay, autobiographical sketch, and collected epitaphs. Epitaphs include non-religious, ressurection themed, afterlife, expressing remorse, reference to God, prasie of the deceased, and more.
Words of wisdom : parental proverbs and sayings / Kelcy Moon, 2002 December 12
Work, play, love, serve : advice for a future missionary / Donna Jeanne Richardson, 1998
Richardson collected advice from both male and female returned missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Included is advice on how to balance work and play, how to get along with your companions, and how to connect with the people in the area you are serving. The project was written for Dr. Rudy's English 392 class taught at Brigham Young University.
World Council for Curriculum Instruction folktale project, 1975-1981
Contains information on the World Council for Curriculum Instruction's folktale project.
World Trade Center email picture jokes / Ann Genho, 2001
World War II : a survivor's story / Jeff Cowart, 2002
Cowart compiled a collection of narratives from his grandfather, Keith Clifton Haws, who fought during World War II. Kieth Clifton Haws (KC) joined the U.S. Army Aviation Cadet Program in 1942 and flew 11 successful boming runs before on the 12th run the plane he was co-piloting was shot down. Though injured KC survived and returned to the United States. Created by Jeff Cowart when he was enrolled in Jill Terry Rudy's English 391 Course in Winter 2002.
Worst date stories , 2020
Submitted by BYU student Haley Judd for her English 391 fall course for Dr. Eric Eliason. Contains cover essay, autobiographical sketch, and contributor interviews. About worst date personal narratives.