Found in 5479 Collections and/or Records:
Tuttle, 1956-2000
Contains glossy photo and biographies (including photocopy) of Elanson Tuttle, with printouts from Ancestral File, and family record for Elanson and wife Ellen Barclay; glossy photo and biographical excerpt on Luther Terry Tuttle, biography of wife Abigail Haws, and family group records for Luther and wives Abigail Haws and Lola Ann Haws. Materials dated 1956 to 2000.
Tutvlo de governador y capitan general de qve la Magestad Catholica, de el Rey, don Felipe, Nuestro Señor, quarto en Castilla, y Tercero en Aragon, hizo merced a don diego de Vera, Ordoñez de Villaquiran, Cauallero de la Orden de Calatraua, Fundador de la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de el Fauor, en esta Real Corte y villa de madrid, &c. Para la entrada pacificacion, y conuersion, de la Prouincia de el PROSPERO, (aliàs el Lacandon) en la nueua España, 1739
Twelve safe rules on what never to say to your husband, 1958 April
Published in McCall's.
Typescript of remarks by Sister Mary E. Lightner, 1905 April 14
Photocopy of speech given by Mary E. Lightner at Brigham Young University in Provo. Utah on April 14, 1905 for a group of Latter-day Saint Missionaries concerning reminiscences about the Prophet Joseph Smith, his plural wives, and her testimony. Also included is a written statement signed by Mary E. Lightner's daughter and granddaughters Mary R. Rollins and Elise E. Barrett verifying the remarks in the speech. Stenographer Sadie Preston.
Typescript of William Gates comments on his manuscript collection, 1930-1960
Typescript of William Gates comments on his manuscript collection, 1930-1960
U tz'ibhuun hach noh tzicbenil ahaucaan, ahmiatz Leandro R. de la Gala, Ti ú hach yamailoob Mohenoob yanoob tu nachilcahtaliloob Nohol y Chikin ti le luumcabil Yucatan laa, 1870
Translation into Yucatec Maya by José Pilar Vales of a pastoral sermon by Leandro R. de la Gala.
Unidentified calendar document, date of production not identified
Unidentified grammar document, date of production not identified
Item appears to be a dictionary translating Spanish relationship phrases into an unidentified language and is a fragment of a larger document.