Latter Day Saint churches -- Folklore
Found in 4536 Collections and/or Records:
Utah county grave markers / Kristine S. Sturgill, 1980
Submitted by BYU student Kristine S. Sturgill for her Fall 1980 English 391 class. A collection of headstones and epitpaphs in Utah county, particularly those to do with the Masons. Contains a cover essay, autobiographical sketch, and collected epitaphs. Epitaphs include sayings about the sun, the sun and the open book, the sun and the rose, the sun and handsclaps, and the sun and the all-seeing eye.
Utah folkculture : creative asking for dates / Michelle Jensen , 1990
Michelle Jensen collected personal narratives of creative ways to ask for a date. Included are stories of invitations that involved clever plays on words, quirky humor, or extravagant plans. Project was written for an English 392 class taught at Brigham Young University during Fall semester 1990.
Utah lore / Mark Haugo, 1981
Submitted by BYU student Mark Haugo for his Winter 1981 English 392 class. About the folklore of the Latter-day saints in Utah from various perspectives. Contains a cover essay, autobiographical sketch, list of informants, and informant items. Items include stories like The Hook, The monster of Bear Lake, The Ghoul of Great Salt Lake, First Utahn Hanged Gives Own Funeral Oration, She wanted to be alone, and more.
Utah traditions of creative dating / Don MacArthur, 1999
MacArthur interviewed friend and family about creative dating traditions. Included are creative ways to ask others for a date as well as creative activities to do on dates. Project was created for Dr. Eliason's English 391 course taught in 1999.
Utah Valley folklore / James A. Kleparek, 1977
Submitted by BYU student James A. Kleparek for his Winter 1977 English 392 class. About the origin and then current status of Utah Valley Mormon folklore. Contains a cover essay, autobiographical sketch, informant abstracts and informant items. Items include "The Gold Rush Vision", "The Toothless Cow", "Indians for Dinner", "Sunflower face", "The Lost Wallet", "Grandpa Gleason's Gloves", "The Bedtime Song", "The Vanishing Woman", "The Second Wife", and much more.
V3 sauce t : a true folk-group / Michael Dunn, 2000
Dunn writes about the Desert Towers V-Hall 3rd floor men at Brigham Young University and the special traditions that bind them together. Included are traditions, stories, and sayings unique to the group. Project was created for Professor Eliason's English 391 course taught at Brigham Young University in 2000.
Value to value : food and the family / Elizabeth Strong, 2002 November 26
Strong discusses the power of food in family relationships. She describes her family's food traditions from their summers at their cabin in Idaho, and suggests that food has a bonding power because making it requires service, sacrifice, time, and love. Created by Elizabeth Strong when she was enrolled in Jill Terry Rudy's English 392 course in Fall 2002.
Vanity plates : the folk art of the American highway / Harry Terrill, 2003 December 10
Terrill collects samples of vanity plates (personalized license plates) from across the United States. He believes that vanity plates fulfill three of Bascom's four folkloric functions: they educate other drivers about the vehicle owner's personality, they reinforce certain world views, and they serve as humorous release valves in traffic jams. Created by Harry Terrill when he was enrolled in Eric Eliason's English 391 course in Fall 2003.
Variants of American football / Adam Sechrist, 2001
Collection of different types of recreational football games. Sechrist categorizes the games by means of the number and type of players. Football is understood to be a great part of American culture and therefore American folklore. Created by Adam Sechrist while he was enrolled in Eric Eliason's English 391 class in fall semester of 2001.
Variants of organized sports / Cliff Munson, 1984
Submitted by BYU student Cliff Munson for his Fall 1984 English 391 class. About the variants of popular sports and games. Contains a cover essay, autobiographical sketch, list of informants and informant items. Items include variants of baseball, basketball, football, and hockey.