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Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 1020

Scope and Contents

Contains records of the Latter-day Saints Hospital School of Nursing Alumni. The records include financial records, letters, photographs, newsletters, yearbooks, and various clippings from 1908 to 2002.


  • Creation: 1908-2002


Conditions Governing Access

Open for public research.

Conditions Governing Use

It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances. Permission to publish material from Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association records must be obtained from the Supervisor of Reference Services and/or the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators.

Administrative History

The Alumni Association was affiliated with the Latter-Day Saints Hospital School of Nursing and was established in 1935. The charge of the association was to produce materials, such as newsletters and scrapbooks, for the alumni of the School of Nursing.


9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.)

Language of Materials



Arranged into eleven series: 1. Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association minutes, 1908-1984. 2. Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association by-laws, 1935, 1951. 3. Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association financial reports, 1949-1971. 4. Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association newsletters, 1927-2000. 5. School of Nursing programs, 1924-1955. 6. School of Nursing yearbooks, 1922-1955. 7. School of Nursing histories, 1947-2002. 8. Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association scrapbooks, 1908-1985. 9. School of Nursing photographs, 1912-1946. 10. Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association ledgers, 1926-1994. 11. Latter-Day Saints Hospital Nurses Alumni Association loose materials, 1945.

The original order of this collection was maintained. The materials are organized according to format and then arranged chronologically.

Other Finding Aids

A more detailed finding aid is available in the repository.

Other Finding Aids

File-level inventory available online.

Custodial History

Transferred from Brigham Young University College of Nursing in November 2002.


Part of University Archives; college records (University Archives collecting policy February 2010).

Processing Information

Processed; J. Gordon Daines III; December 2002.

Register of the Latter-day Saints Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association records
J. Gordon Daines III, GlendaLynn Ainsworth, and Matthew Leavitt
2010 March 15
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English in Latin script.

Revision Statements

  • 2010 March 15: Revised to be DACS compliant.

Repository Details

Part of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections. University Archives Repository

1130 HBLL
Brigham Young University
Provo UT 84602 US