William Gates papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS 279
A. W. Payne photograph of Indians selling produce
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B124_I141
A. W. Payne photograph of river
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B124_I139
A. W. Payne photograph of river
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B124_I137
A Yucatecan grammar translated from the Spanish into Maya and abridged for the instruction of the native indians / by the Rev. J. Ruz of Merida ; translated from the Maya into English by John Kingdon, Baptist Missionary, Belize, Honduras
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S8_SS2_SSS13_B46_F10
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates collection of Mesoamerican source materials, 1593-1924
William Gates collection of source materials on grammars and vocabularies of native languages, 1520-1940
William Gates collection of Maya source materials, 1550-1940
A Yucatecan grammar translated from the Spanish into Maya and abridged for the instruction of the native indians / by the Rev. J. Ruz of Merida ; translated from the Maya into English by John Kingdon, Baptist Missionary, Belize, Honduras, 1847
Abecedario en la lengua que dizen giche / Francisco Barrera
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S8_SS2_SSS22_B56_F2
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates collection of Mesoamerican source materials, 1593-1924
William Gates collection of source materials on grammars and vocabularies of native languages, 1520-1940
William Gates collection of Quiché source materials, 1550-1940
Abecedario en la lengua que dizen giche / Francisco Barrera, 1745
Abraham Castellanos drawing of unidentified codex
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S6_SS19_SSS1_B142_F6
Account books in Spanish
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S10_B109_F11
Acuerdos sobre la manera de efectuarse el matrimonio
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S9_SS8_B72_F7
Adela Breton Pocomchí vocabulary
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S8_SS2_SSS20_B55_F4
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates collection of Mesoamerican source materials, 1593-1924
William Gates collection of source materials on grammars and vocabularies of native languages, 1520-1940
William Gates collection of Pokomchi source materials, 1550-1940
Adela Breton Pocomchí vocabulary, 1917
Aguaiic Iscotol Lumalic te Indiotic / Oid los Pueblos Todos de Indios Sublevados
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S9_SS25_B101_F5