William Gates papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS 279
Boletin oficial / Republica de Honduras
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S10_B109_F15_I1
Book page of Wyoming Valley Potsherds
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B128_F7_I859
Borrador para la formacion del vocabulario de lengua Kiché / Manuel G. Elgueta
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S8_SS2_SSS22_B57_F3
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates collection of Mesoamerican source materials, 1593-1924
William Gates collection of source materials on grammars and vocabularies of native languages, 1520-1940
William Gates collection of Quiché source materials, 1550-1940
Borrador para la formacion del vocabulario de lengua Kiché / Manuel G. Elgueta, 1900
Botanical identifications of Mexican plant names by Ramírez, in the Sessé y Mociño volume also included in the León edition of Jiménez, Quatro lib.
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S10_B108_F3
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates ethnohistorical materials in European languages, 1521-1940
Botanical identifications of Mexican plant names by Ramírez, in the Sessé y Mociño volume also included in the León edition of Jiménez, Quatro lib., approximately 1900-1940
Brasseur de Bourbourg copy of Popol Vuh
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S9_SS21_SSS3_B97_F2
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates collection of texts in native languages, 1521-1940
William Gates collection of Quiché texts, 1521-1940
William Gates collection on the Popul Vuh, 1521-1940
Brasseur de Bourbourg copy of Popol Vuh, approximately 1521-1940
C. B. Waite photograph of Aztec relics from Escalerillas street, Mexico City
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B129_F2_I1153
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates photographs, postcards, and other material, approximately 1860-1960
William Gates photographs of Mexico and Central America, approximately 1860-1940
C. B. Waite photograph of Aztec relics from Escalerillas street, Mexico City, 1860-1920
C. B. Waite photograph of Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B128_F10_I899
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates photographs, postcards, and other material, approximately 1860-1960
William Gates photographs of Mexico and Central America, approximately 1860-1940
C. B. Waite photograph of Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan, 1898-1940
C. B. Waite photograph of Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B128_F10_I963
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates photographs, postcards, and other material, approximately 1860-1960
William Gates photographs of Mexico and Central America, approximately 1860-1940
C. B. Waite photograph of Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan, 1898-1940
C. B. Waite photograph of view at electric powerhouse, Teoselo
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B129_F2_I1152
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates photographs, postcards, and other material, approximately 1860-1960
William Gates photographs of Mexico and Central America, approximately 1860-1940
C. B. Waite photograph of view at electric powerhouse, Teoselo, 1860-1920
Caecilie Seler photograph of Casa de las Monjas, Uxmal, Yucatan
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS279_S11_SS5_B128_F15_I1022
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
William Gates papers
William Gates photographs, postcards, and other material, approximately 1860-1960
William Gates photographs of Mexico and Central America, approximately 1860-1940
Caecilie Seler photograph of Casa de las Monjas, Uxmal, Yucatan, 1870-1940