John W. Welch chiasmus papers
Identifier: MSS 3776
Excerpt from Line, Rob. "Chiasmus in 2 Nephi 2"
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S1_SS3_C3_F16
date of production not identified
Excerpt from Lohfink, N. "Darstellungskunst und Theologie in Dtn 1,6-3,29." Biblica 41 (1960): 122-23
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S2_SS6_C4_F99_I1
Excerpt from Myers, Charles D. "Chiastic Inversion In the Argument of Romans 3-8." Novum Testamentus 35 (1993): 30-47
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S3_SS7_C6_F58
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
John W. Welch chiasmus papers
John W. Welch research materials on the New Testament, 1820-2011
John W. Welch research materials on Romans, 1959-2003
Myers, Charles D. "Chiastic Inversion In the Argument of Romans 3-8." Novum Testamentus 35 (1993): 30-47, 1993
Excerpt from Nickelsburg, George W. E. "A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 1-36; 81-108." Fortress Press: Minneapolis, 2001, 152
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S5_C7_F44
Excerpt from Notes, Francis I. Andersen "The Sentence in Biblical Hebrew," 1974
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S7_SS1_C10_F16
date of production not identified
Excerpt from Parunak, H. Van Dyke. Review of "Studies in Biblical Narrative: Style, Structure, and the Ancient Near Eastern Literary Background by Yithak Avishur" 2001 June: 325-327
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S5_C7_F67
2001 June
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
John W. Welch chiasmus papers
John W. Welch research materials on sacred texts and comparative studies, 1820-2006
Parunak, H. Van Dyke. Review of "Studies in Biblical Narrative: Style, Structure, and the Ancient Near Eastern Literary Background by Yithak Avishur" 2001 June: 325-327, 2001 June
Excerpt from Porter, Stanley E. "In Ephesians 5,5: Does Chiasm Solve a Problem?" Zeitschrift Fur Die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 81 (1990): 270-76
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S3_SS11_C6_F68
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
John W. Welch chiasmus papers
John W. Welch research materials on the New Testament, 1820-2011
John W. Welch research materials on Ephesians, 1967-2000
Porter, Stanley E. "In Ephesians 5,5: Does Chiasm Solve a Problem?" Zeitschrift Fur Die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 81 (1990): 270-76, 1990
Excerpt from "Possible Chiasmus in 1 Nephi 21:1"
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S1_SS2_C2_F43
date of production not identified
Excerpt from Reumann, J. "Philippians 3:20-21: A Hymnic Fragment?" New Testament Studies 30 (1984 October): 593-608
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S3_SS12_C6_F72
1984 October
Found in:
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
John W. Welch chiasmus papers
John W. Welch research materials on the New Testament, 1820-2011
John W. Welch research materials on Philippians, 1978-1995
Reumann, J. "Philippians 3:20-21: A Hymnic Fragment?" New Testament Studies 30 (1984 October): 593-608, 1984 October
Excerpt from Reynolds, Noel B. 2 Nephi 5
Digital Record
Identifier: MSS3776_S1_SS3_C3_F25
date of production not identified