H. C. Paige and Emma Paige agreement to Sigmund Heilner Heilner
- Creation: 1879 October 17
2 sheets ; 36 x 44 cm folded to 36 x 22 cm, 36 x 22 cm
1 envelope ; 10 x 24 cm
General Note
Agreement. H. C. Paige and Emma Paige sell to S. A. Heilner, for $400.00, the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 6, North Range 2, West Willamette Meridian, 160 acres of land, Columbia Co., Oregon. Dated October 17, 1879.
Genre / Form
Repository Details
Part of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Repository
1130 HBLL
Brigham Young University
Provo Utah 84602 United States